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Paradise Life RP

Website / Discord Bot


Paradise Life RP (PLRP) is a community in FiveM, which takes inspiration from the NoPixel server.


Creating a comprehensive platform for a gaming community centered around a FiveM server. The platform should consist of a website that displays server rules and provides guides for new players. Also create a Discord bot for efficient support ticket handling.


Building a responsive website with sections for server rules, donation information, gallery and player guides. The guides cover game mechanics, server rules, and community etiquette.



We successfully developed a responsive website with dedicated sections for server rules, donation information, a gallery, and player guides covering game mechanics, server rules, and community etiquette. The website's responsive design ensures accessibility across various devices. The sectional organization provides clear navigation and includes essential information for PLRP's community members. The comprehensive player guides empower users with knowledge essential for thriving within the gaming community. Overall, the website serves as a central hub for information, engagement, and collaboration, strengthening community bonds and fostering a harmonious gaming environment.


Registered Members
